Classified Ads Script
Take our classified ads software on your smart mobile phones. Our mobile application for craigslist clone will provide all the features of the website. Make your own classified marketplace with our ready to use responsive classified ads script in less time. This classified ads mobile app having smooth functionality for the user to easily buy and sell their products online from remote locations. Get in touch with Logicspice today to get a demo of your app.
Our readymade classified script similar to craigslist clone lets you start an automated classified website which helps to sell products through online marketing. The php classified ads script allows the users to post their product and services which works in various segments includes real estate, sales, community, buy and sell, and more.
What does our Classified Ads Script offers you ?
We at Logicspice, provide the classified mobile apps for android and iOS, which you can easily launch it right away and start your startup in classified business. This is user friendly mobile app, no development or programming skills required to tackle.People nowadays are more likely to digitalized and classified ads software is the most convenient way to stay connected with the people.
Our classified ads script is fully functional, scalable, and easy to use. We also provide custom solutions to craigslist clone to meet your business requirements in the form of design and complex functionality.We provide the best classified ads software which allows you to operate your advertising system from remote locations and can be easily integrated on your new or existing website.
The classified script has a product or service page with full details, owner details, you can directly contact to the owner for enquiry. Seller can add number of products and services for free on this craigslist clone.
We can provide customized android & ios app for classified software as per your business requirement. Our classified portal app let the sellers post product and buyers can enquire regarding this. PHP classifieds script provide the complete control over admin dashboard to smoothly manage the users, ads, categories, comments and more.
- Users are allowed to post more than one classifieds free of cost using this classified script.
- Users can add their favorite classified to a list so that they can find them easily next time they visiting the site.
- Our classified software is seo friendly which can help you to improve your visibility in google.
- Admin can manage categories, subcategories, and all the classifieds listing.
- The admin panel is totally user-friendly and feature rich in this classified software.
- Integrated email verification for protection from spamming in this script.
- Responsive website (mobile friendly)
- White labeled script
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